Spanish Schools in Spain

Spanish Language Levels

Spanish Schools in Spain Levels

The Spanish level structure applied at all Spanish Schools in Spain follows the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, as well as the guidelines of the Instituto Cervantes. Plus, our Spanish levels adhere axactly to the U.S. university system, so it is possible to receive credits from your school back home.

The courses are split into 6 different levels, then each level (apart from Proficiency level 6) is again divided into sublevels ranging from lesser to greater linguistic knowledge. On your first day before class begins you'll submit a written and oral test to determine your Spanish level, and will subsequently be placed in the correct group according to your level.

A1: Basic (SPA 101)

This first level involves fundamental grammatical and communicative structures in Spanish, such as talking about yourself, voicing opinions, greetings, conjugating verbs in the present tense, likes and dislikes, to mention a few.

A2 Elementary (SPA 102)

Students who already have some knowledge of basic Spanish will be placed in this level. You will be able to express youself in various communicative contexts, and will work to improve gammar and vocabulary.

B1: Intermediate (SPA 201-202)

This levels is aimed at students who have a grasp on more complicated Spanish language structures and sustain a good vocabulary base. You will achieve a greater understanding of the Spanish way of life and step from expressing yourself on a functional level to gaining a higher level of fluency.

B2: Advanced (SPA 301-302)

If you speak with a certian degree of fluency and are confident communicating in various situations then you will be placed in this advanced level. You will work on debating techniques and learn to link phrases and sentences conhesively. As well as conversing about more specific subjects outside of conventional linguistic interchanges.

C1: Superior (SPA 400+)

In this Spanish level students are able to cummunicate easily with a solid grasp of the Spanish language. You will perfect grammar skills, dominate idioms and gain a wider understanding of Spanish culture. Also learning to express ideas and opinions on a somewhat more abstract level.

C2: Proficiency (SPA 400+)

This level is designed to perfect all areas of linguistic proficiency on the way to becoming bilingual, and is aimed at students with a high command of the Spanish language. You will establish a more global perspective of Spanish culture in relation to your particular area of interest. Additionaly, you will refine written and oral skills.

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